Contribute to Wiki Algonomia

From Wiki Algonomia
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Contributor Profiles

  • Algonomia's Employees: Employees have direct access and can make contributions seamlessly. Their contributions reflect the internal understanding and developments.
  • Outside Authorized Contributors: Non-employees need to be authorized to contribute. While their external perspective is valued, it's essential they align with the internal methodologies and guidelines.

Moderation Process

Collaboration is the bedrock of our wiki. Moderation will be managed collaboratively, with Algonomia taking the lead. All contributions will undergo a review process to ensure consistency, accuracy, and alignment with Algonomia's vision.

Accuracy & Explanation

The primary aim is to mirror precisely how the algorithms work. It's imperative to collaboratively elucidate both the tax and mathematical complexities, ensuring the content is both accurate and accessible to all readers.

Requesting Algorithmic Changes

While we are open to feedback and improvement suggestions, any request for changes in the algorithm must be:

  • Thoroughly documented.
  • Well-argued, reflecting a deep understanding of the subject.
  • Subject to the developmental capabilities and priorities of the main branches. It's crucial to understand that not all changes can or will be implemented immediately.


All content on the Algonomia Wiki is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) license. By contributing, you acknowledge and accept that your contributions will be licensed under the same terms, ensuring the content remains open and collaborative while safeguarding its original intent and purpose.

We thank all contributors for their dedication and efforts. Together, we are shaping a comprehensive and transparent platform, driving forward the understanding of tax systems.