Transfer Pricing Algorithm

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Revision as of 09:41, 24 September 2023 by Walid ELJAAFARI (talk | contribs) (General page outline)
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Welcome to the OpenSource Transfer Pricing Algorithm with Tax Impact Computation wiki page! This platform serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding and implementing a pioneering open-source algorithm specifically designed to calculate and analyze transfer pricing and its subsequent tax implications.

Transfer pricing is a pivotal aspect of international trade and finance, playing a crucial role in determining the value at which transactions occur between associated enterprises. It significantly influences the allocation of income, expenses, and consequently, tax liabilities among different tax jurisdictions. The meticulous computation of tax impact is imperative for businesses to ensure compliance, optimize tax obligations, and foster fiscal transparency.


The objective of this algorithm is to perform transfer pricing computations on a dataset from a company, produce the transfer prices and/or make adjustments to the transfer pricing, and, if configured, calculate the subsequent tax impact. This includes both National taxation and bilateral taxation, addressing complex Withholding tax treatments that may arise. Additionally, the algorithm's output can include suggestions for algorithmically improved margin rates that could reduce the overall tax burden.

Feature Overview

The algorithm will present the following features:

General logic of the algorithm

Data structure

General framework of Algonomia API calls




Computational steps

Transfer pricing computation

Core TP computation step
Impact on other accounts and Profit level indicators
Convergence mechanism

Tax impact computation

Withholding taxes initial computation
Tax losses treatments
Final tax computation
Tax impact reallocation

Tax performance analysis

Description of the optimization problem
Resolution with genetic algorithm