Step-by-step computation for Macro-step 7

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The purpose of the UTPR computation is to identify the amount of Top-Up Tax not taken into account by the Income Inclusion Rule, and reallocate it across the UTPR Jurisdiction according to the allocation key.

General Logic

In order to perform the UTPR computation, the total amount of Top-Up Tax is compared with the amount of Top-Up Tax effectively allocated for payment through the IIR, and the difference is used as a base before reallocation using the formulary apportionment key across all UTPR Jurisdictions.

Data Input

The Data input for Macro-step 7 consists in :

  • The list of Top-Up Tax amounts from the Macro-step 5 ;
  • The list of allocated Top-Up Tax amounts according to the IIR;
  • The input data for the formulary apportionment;
  • The share of UTPR effectively charged in the previous years;

The detailed matrix is available in the relevant section of the Pillar 2 Data Structure.

Data Output

The Data output for Macro-step consists in :

  • The UTPR amounts affected to each Jurisdictions ;
  • The GloBE Information Return output data

The detailed matrix is available in the relevant section of the Pillar 2 Data Structure.

Detailed Step by step approach

Step 7.1. - Computation of Total UTPR amount

Step 7.2. - Computation of coefficients per Jurisdictions

Step 7.3. - Final UTPR computation per jurisdiction