Transfer Pricing Algorithm Development Program

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The following tables presents the ongoing work, its categorization, its type, and its availability for outsource contributions:

Expected date Item Description Type of Work Potential Contributors Related page
14/12/2023 Initial sharing of wiki documentation and source code Preparation, set-up and presentation of all the material shared with the community Set-up Algonomia internal
22/12/2023 Finalization of the Main page Correction and finalization of the general page Documentation Algonomia internal Transfer Pricing Algorithm
22/12/2023 Documentation of the Management fee computation Correction and finalization of the Management fee computation Documentation Algonomia internal Transfer Pricing Algorithm
01/02/2024 Present target update calendar for TP modeling Prepare the publication of the target calendar of new modeling features Documentation Algonomia internal Transfer Pricing Algorithm
30/04/2024 Addition of legal references Addition in each illustrative legal references and sources Documentation Open to contribution Transfer Pricing Algorithm
15/5/2024 Addition of numeric examples Generate example data sets, ready for use for each algorithmic steps for each specific cases Testing Open to contribution Transfer Pricing Algorithm
20/05/2024 Precise Math/Info/econ referencing Addition in each Micro-step of the exact references to mathematic/informatic/economic sources Documentation Open to contribution Transfer Pricing Algorithm